Range Locations:
Golden Eagle South (GES)-Located at the Golden Eagle Gun Club
1537 Gun Club Rd
Golden Eagle, IL 62036
Insurance, Electric, Rent, plus Real Estate Taxes are paid on the property by the team, and the facilities must be maintained by our team.
Golden Eagle North (GEN)-Located at Squier Family Farms
8269 N. Mississippi River Rd
Hamburg, IL 62045
The use of this property has been generously donated by Squier Family Farms, the facilities should be at a minimum maintained to current state.
2024 GEYTT Board Members
Head Coach- Chad Sievers chadsievers1979@gmail.com
Treasurer- Tim Friedel GEYTT_Treasurer@hotmail.com
Secretary-Scott Margherio GoldenEagleYouthTrapTeam@gmail.com
Assistant Coaches/Adult Voluteers:
Jason Struse jvsdiesel@frontiernet.net
Doug Wilschetz dwilschetz@frontiernet.net
Nick Roth Nkroth2005@yahoo.com
Adam Eilerman adam.eilerman@hotmail.com
Chris Federle federle_farms@yahoo.com
Vicki Struse jvsdiesel@frontiernet.net